Friday, October 19, 2007


Today, the Maryland Association of School Librarians held their annual convention in Ocean City, Maryland. Although I had attended the Maryland Author Luncheon and had signed books at this convention many times, this was the first time I was invited to be a speaker.

The seven-year old (almost eight year old, can you believe it?) and her best friend helped me stay awake for the drive to OC Thursday evening after work. Since we didn't get settled down into our hotel room until late, I assumed the kids would sleep in. Nope. I woke up at 7:30 am and they were out of bed by the time I finished my shower.

The girls were great, today. They looked over the hotel's children's menu and both decided to order Mac and Cheese and applesauce for lunch. So, after I gave my talk (about research and writing nonfiction and "Bringing Dead Guys to Life"), and before the book signing, I brought lunch up to the room to them. I finally rescued them from their cable TV orgy after the Maryland Author Luncheon.

We then hit the beach. It was warm -- mid-70s, but cloudy/ overcast. Evidently it had poured while the girls were in the room, but not a drop of rain fell while we were outside. The girls raced waves (getting caught several times because the tide was coming in) and dug holes. Best friend's mom had offered huge plastic shovels. Boy were they great!

But, it started getting foggier, so we went back into the hotel. Now they're having fun in the hotel pool and I"m surfing the internet poolside. (I feel absolutely decadent.)


Anonymous said...

So how did your talk go, Wendie?

Wendie O said...

The talk went great. Except they had a powerpoint projector in the room (being used by the speakers before and after my own talk) and there was no sign of the transparency projector they had assured me (several times) would be there.

I just plowed on ahead talkng about how I make nonfiction come to life, and suddenly a volunteer school librarian appeared with a transparency projector in hand. Saved the show.

The organizers told me later that my talk rated highly on the conference evaluations. which was nice to hear.

Signed a lot of books.

Had a nice group of people at my table during the Maryland Author Luncheon. In fact, as I was looking for my table, several other tables of people tried to get me to sit with them. I told them if I never did find my assigned table, I'd come back to them.

VVV was the luncheon speaker. She has won the Maryland Black Eyed Susan award twice. Good speaker, great writer and all around nice person.

VVV? Vivian Vande Velde
