Saturday, July 27, 2024

Just a few physical complaints today

  Every day I take a one mile walk (as measured by my iPhone. )

Every summer I spend days in the pool swimming 12 laps - backstroke and side stroke.  

And yet. Two days ago I finally got into the pool to begin my summer swimming. Only swam 6 laps. And yesterday I couldn't' walk anywhere without a cane. (usually it's just an outside thing and I walk inside my house just fine.) (usually it's just one leg, but yesterday and today it's both legs - and not just a muscle problem because of swimming. I've never had a problem with swimming before, ever.) The rules have changed again. grrrrr.

on the plus side - the pool was warmer than usual - nice.

And don't get me started about spiders in my car. What is it about me that they are sneaky and bite me? Am I a tasty treat to them? Plus - I can't find them but occasionally do see webs. They must be tiny, tiny, tiny.

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