Sunday, September 1, 2024

credit cards or cash?

 I keep finding pennies and yes I still pick them up and used them. 

One cashier intended NOT to give me the pennies part of my change and I insisted on getting it , because I grew up when pennies meant something. (penny candy for one) Cashiers these days really aren't trained how to handle real money. They just want to shove a black box at us for a credit card, not realizing or caring that the place has had to raise prices because credit card companies charge stores for each time a customer uses one.

Also, why is there no constancy about those credit card boxes. Tap here. 


one box says - over here on the left side of the keypad. Another box wants you to tap the screen. Another box wants you to keep your card flat on the screen for a while, until the cashier does something on their register while others want you to quickly tap and lift it off. I just shake my grey hair head and pretend that all that stuff is confusing to me.

 (actually it is confusing to everybody, but I have a senior excuse 🙂 )

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