More information keeps flowing in about this conference being held the weekend of October 17th at the Sheraton Crystal City Hotel on the Virginia side of the Potomac River, just south of Washington, D.C.
(open to bloggers about Children's Lit, people who want to begin blogging about this, and to authors of same)
If you'd like more information and a list of who is coming, so far, then click here for the list and how to register for the conference. I'm very impressed, myself.
A-hem. Notice how many who have the name -- Wendy !
Blew my mind it did.
(So far I'm the only Wendie coming, but there are more of those around so one or two of them might show up, also.)
Four Wendy (s) and one Wendie so far.
Confused? Take a gander at the spelling of the names.
MotherReader's blog entry says that hotel reservations at our low conference price has ended, but the hotel still has open rooms and might be talked into giving you the conference price. Do ask. See you there?
-wendie old, blogger and author and librarian and grandmother and ....
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