Today is Monday and that means the bloggers are reviewing children's nonfiction books today. Here's a sampling. Click on the links and enjoy. And keep checking back because I'll be adding more links every few hours:
Jeanlittlelibrary has a review of Bug Zoo by Nick Baker.
Mary Ann Scheuer's blog at Great Kids Books this morning is a bit different from the usual. Instead of recommending a great book for kids, she is sharing a most useful resource for parents: Getting to Calm: Cool-headed strategies for parenting tweens and teens, by Laura Kastner and Jennifer Wyatt. She says, "It's been a great resource to me as I've entered the water of parenting a moody, temperamental tween!" Since I also have a tween in the house, I'd better check it out, myself.
Over at NCTEACHERSTUFF, Jeff Barger has reviewed Saltypie: A Choctaw Journey from Darkness into Light written by Tim Tingle; illustrated by Karen Clarkson.
Charlotte from Charlotte's Library is in with What Goes On In My Head? How your brain works and why you do what you do, by Robert Winston.
There's a real treat over at Shelf Employed -- an interactive interview with Janice Weaver, author of Hudson, a biography of Henry Hudson. Join in the interview and ask your own questions!
Sarah at In Need of Chocolate says she has reviewed two books on Egypt: Pharaoh's Boat and The Great Pyramid.
Anastasia Suen is enjoying Into the Deep: The Life of Naturalist and Explorer William Beebe by David Sheldon at Picture Book of the Day.
Angela Craft at Bookish Blather has a review of Russell Freedman's stunning The War to End All Wars.
Over at Playing by the Book, is a review of Where Does The Poo Go? by Caren Trafford, illustrated by Jade Oakley.
There's a review of Insects: Biggest! Littlest! written by Sandra Markle at the Wild About Nature blog.
Shirley at SimplyScience today discusses the classification of Protists by Steve Parker. What are Protists? You'll have to check out her blog to find out.
This is Banned Book Week and MsMac over at MacLibrary talks about her experience with book banning.
Margo at the Fourth Musketeer reviews a new edition of the picture book, Old Abe, Eagle Hero: The Civil War's Most Famous Mascot, by Patrick Young.
The Allen County Public Library (in Indiana)will be holding their Mock Sibert discussion and Election on December 11. All sorts of great books are on the discussion list. Mandy invites all of you to please click here to add your voice to the discussion in the comment section of the ACPL Mock Sibert blog.
Carol Hinz points out that today at the Lerner books blog, she is kicking off a week focused on Rebecca L. Johnson's new book Journey into the Deep: Discovering New Ocean Creatures.
Wow, Becky has reviewed two books at two different blogs:
At Becky's Book Reviews, she has Liberty or Death by Margaret Whitman Blair.
And at Young Readers she reviews Lost Boy by Jane Yolen.
Lynne Marie on My Word Playground features a a spark of inspiration for nonfiction writers. It's a writing prompt from nonfiction author, Lori Mortensen, whose nonfiction book, COME SEE THE EARTH TURN: The Story of Foucault's Pendulum, just came out. The interview also features another of her non-fiction books,In the Trees, Honey Bees!
Tammy Flanders at Apples with Many Seeds looks at the book Kakapo Rescue: saving the world’ strangest parrot by Sy Montgomery.
At The Cat & The Fiddle, Michelle Markel explores the many possibilities of picture book biographies.
Middle-school librarian, Cindy Dobrez at the Booklist blog, "Bookends," is reviewing Young Zeus by G. Brian Karas this week.
Jennie at Biblio File analyzed a book for adults who work with children's literature, From the Beast to the Blonde: on Fairy Tales and their Tellers by Marina Warner.
Janet Squires at All about the Books with Janet Squires selected I Spy Shapes in Art by Lucy Micklethwait.
Tina Nichols Coury at Tales From the Rushmore Kid interviews author Vicki Oransky Wittenstein, where she describes what
inspired her to write about astronomer Geoff Macy. The title of her book is Planet Hunter: Geoff Marcy and the Search for Other Earths.
And, there's even a PODcast.
Children's NF author Mary Kay Carson talked about her new Scientists in the Field book, The Bat Scientists, on a local NPR radio show over the weekend called Field Notes with Thane Maynard, director of the Cincinnati Zoo.
Click here for The Bat Scientists author, Mary Kay Carson's interview. (I hope these links work.)
Thank you for hosting this week! I have posted a review of Saltypie: A Choctaw Journey from Darkness into Light:
Hi Wendie,
I'm in with What Goes On In My Head, from DK.
Thanks a lot!
I've got a real treat this week - an interactive interview with Janice Weaver, author of Hudson, a biography of Henry Hudson. Join in the interview and ask your own questions! http://shelf-employed.blogspot.com/2010/09/interview-with-janice-weaver.html
Thanks for hosting! I've reviewed two books on Egypt: Pharaoh's Boat and The Great Pyramid. http://inneedofchocolate.wordpress.com/2010/09/27/non-fiction-monday-two-great-books-about-egypt/
Thanks for hosting! I'm in with Into the Deep: The Life of Naturalist and Explorer William Beebe http://picturebookday.wordpress.com/2010/09/27/nonfiction-monday-into-the-deep-the-life-of-naturalist-and-explorer-william-beebe/
Thank you for hosting! This week I have a review of Russell Freedman's stunning The War to End All Wars.
Hi Wendie,
Thanks for hosting today. Here's my contribution -
A review of Where Does The Poo Go? by Caren Trafford, illustrated by Jade Oakley
Thanks for hosting this week!
We have a review of Insects: Biggest! Littlest! written by Sandra Markle at Wild About Nature blog.
Thanks for hosting! I've reviewed Bug Zoo by Nick Baker
Hi Wendie,
Thank you for hosting. I have Protists at SimplyScience today.
Thanks for hosting. I am in w/ my experience with book banning: http://maclibrary.wordpress.com/
Well heres the URL: http://maclibrary.wordpress.com/2010/09/27/nonfiction-monday-banned-books-one-school-librarians-experience/
Thanks for hosting this week, Wendie! I'm sharing a book for parents - a bit different from our usual fare of children's books, but really valuable for our audience:
Getting to Calm: Cool-headed strategies for parenting tweens and teens
Hi, at the Fourth Musketeer I am reviewing a new edition of the picture book, Old Abe, Eagle Hero: The Civil War's Most Famous Mascot, by Patrick Young.
Here's the link:
The second reading list for the ACPL Mock Sibert discussion and election is now available.
Leave your comments on the suggested titles...I'd love to hear what you think!
Thanks for hosting, Wendie! Today at the Lerner books blog, I'm kicking off a week focused on Rebecca L. Johnson's new book Journey into the Deep: Discovering New Ocean Creatures.
Thanks for hosting! At Becky's Book Reviews, I've got Liberty or Death by Margaret Whitman Blair. And at Young Readers I've got Lost Boy by Jane Yolen.
Hi Wendie.
Thanks for taking care of this week's event.
At Apples with Many Seeds I'm looking at the book Kakapo Rescue.
"Not Your Mother's Picture Book Bio" is my post at The Cat & The Fiddle:
Many thanks!
Loving this NF Monday, with its little piece of book-heaven as I man my little one-person library far off in a boarding school in Africa: thanks for connecting us literary-lovers far and wide :-)
Welcome Annajouj.
I'm thrilled you've found our part of the world of blogs.
Great list! And woohoo for Lynn Marie!
Bookends is reviewing Young Zeus by G. Brian Karas this week. Thanks for hosting!
Thanks for hosting Wendie! I'm in with a review of From the Beast to the Blonde: http://www.jenrothschild.com/2010/09/nonfiction-monday-from-beast-to-blonde.html
Thanks for hosting. My selection is I Spy Shapes in Art by Lucy Micklethwait.
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