Monday, October 3, 2011

Nonfiction can be Funny

Today is Nonfiction Monday and lucky for you, Laurie Thompson has collected a nice list of humorous nonfiction books for your enjoyment on her blog:

* Just the Right Size, Extreme Animals (and others) by Nicola Davies
* How to Get Organized Without Losing It by Janet S. Fox
* How To Do Homework Without Throwing Up by Trevor Romain
* Manners Mash-Up: A Goofy Guide to Good Behavior by Tedd Arnold and others
* What To Do About Alice by Barbara Kerley
* The Basher books (Physics, Periodic Table, Math, etc.) by Simon Basher
* Kathleen Krull's Lives of the... series 
* You Wouldn't Have Wanted To Be A... series
* Magic School Bus (faction)
* Fingers, FOrks, & Chopsticks by Patricia Lauber 
* Poop Happened by Sarah Albee
* Americapedia by Jodi Lynn Anderson, Daniel Ehrenhaft, Andisheh Nouraee 
* How They Croaked by Georgia Bragg 
* Bugs and Bugsicles: Insects in the Winter by Amy Hansen
* What to Expect When You're Expecting... series by Bridget Heos
* It's Spit-acular: The Secrets of Saliva by Melissa Stewart 
* The Truth About Poop by Susan E. Goodman
* Gee Whiz by Susan E. Goodman
* See How They Run by Susan E. Goodman
* Fartiste by Kathleen Krull
* Do Pigs Have Stripes? by Melanie Walsh
* What's So Funny? Making Sense of Humor by Donna M. Jackson

Have fun reading! :)
- Laurie

Laurie Thompson, Children's Book Author
Co-Regional Advisor, SCBWI Western WA
Her blog is here

And the Nonfiction Monday gathering of links is at 100 Scope Notes.

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