Wednesday, January 29, 2025

We showed up to work during snow

I live in southern California now and I don't miss the snow.  

Years ago, I really resented it when I would be one of the few (sometimes one of the two) people who made their way to work and ran the library by trading off doing clerical and librarian work all through the day. 

Got no thanks for it. 

Got no credit for doing this.  

And, by the way, I was the person who lived the furthest away from the library branch. All the nearby people refused to come in and work.

This happened over and over agin when I was working part time and also when I worked full time. In fact at one library system all of us part timers were called into a meeting where they laid down the law about us having to be on time , etc. etc. etc. And when I pointed out that some of us came in and worked when the full timers didn't during snow days, Crickets.

1 comment:

Karen Packard Rhodes said...

Sometimes thar ain't no justice, for sure. Ungrateful managers don't realize the detrimental effect they have on workers.