Friday, March 21, 2025


They say that orange cats are usually male.  However,  Our orange cat was female.  

And she was Queen of the house/ bossed around the other cats.  (We called her -Queen Katie)

She and her friend had kittens at the same time. A total of 11 kittens. We set up two boxes for the two families and woke up the next morning to find the two cats plus all the kittens in one box. So we ended up creating a huge box for them and they shared raising and feeding all the kittens. Ended up with huge breasts. (the vet called them "Dolly Parton cats) The 8 inch wooden frame around them boxed in the kittens while allowing the moms to get away from them to take a break or eat or lie in the patch of sun nearby.  

But when the kittens became large enough to get over that frame, it was mobs of kittens all over the place. And when they had 'nap attacks' they simply dropped onto the floor wherever they were. We had to be careful where we walked, stepping over sleeping kittens.

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