Monday, March 10, 2025

He packs for a trip v. what I pack for a trip

 Husband couldn't understand why it took me such a long time to pack for our trips. (usually to Florida to visit m y parents) He packed for himself, then checked that the car was working right. Done. 

I did a huge wash to make sure everything we wanted to pack was clean and ready. I packed for me. Packed for the children and supervised the packing by the older children for themselves. (clothing for sunny, warm Florida and clothing for the cold, drafty trip there and back.) I planned and packed snacks and various entertainments for the children. I discussed the route with him. I checked that the house was secure so we could be gone a week or so. I cancelled the mail.  

When it came to loading the car - he was unable to fit everything in. So I had to repack the car so that not only everything fit, but so that things we would need during the trip were accessible. Oh, and also pillows and blankets and favorite (small) stuffies for naps.

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