When I first came to the branch X-many years ago, the previous librarian told me that I didn't have to do anything -- the Woman's Club did everything. Well, that was only a partial truth. Gradually I learned that: I planned the publicity, I reserved the room, I did the registration and gave out the tickets, and I was responsible for doing a program before Santa arrived.
(Originally it was called Breakfast with Santa with a seating at 10 am and another one at noon -- but people objected to the idea of having 'breakfast' at noon. So several years ago we changed it to 'brunch.')
I've developed three (or more ) programs that I alternate.
1) The Night before Christmoose -- using a relative of the famous moose and a tape of him telling the story. Along with the guest moose speaker, I use an illustrated version of the traditional Night before Christmas poem along with Robert Sabuda's wonderful cut-paper version.
2) The 12 Days of Christmas -- using a serious version of the song, then a silly version, then Robert Sabuda's cut-paper one. I also pass out card-stock with the 12 numbers on them and ask the children to wave them when their number comes up. This year I used the Southwestern version of a pinata on a pinion tree. And had the kids say the numbers in Spanish.
3) Miscellaneous Christmas tales -- featuring my flannel board version of The Tree that Stayed up All Year and a variety of other new and well-loved stories. Plus, of course, a Robert Sabuda cut-paper something. (Christmas Alphabet, or Christmas Pop-up, or Cookie Count.)
Earlier -- near the beginning of December, our branch holds a Holiday Open-house where we play Dreidels, make holiday cards and crafts, and eat festive foods.
What do you do at your Holiday programs?
-wendie O
Wendie, these sound like great programs!
And people are always lying when they say "X takes care of everything!"
:-) -w
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