Sunday, August 16, 2009

First draft done -- time to celebrate!

I'm so excited!
I just finished getting the first draft of the Summertime Lance story onto my computer. It took me over a year to figure out how to put tension into it, but I think I've got it, now. Plus it lays down the beginnings of the relationship of the dog to his 'people' and will reflect something that happens in the Wintertime Lance story in the snow.


Time to go downstairs and eat a tomato sandwich and celebrate! Maybe it's even time for something more drastic -- like Ice Cream? With dark chocolate and marshmallow and....


laurasalas said...

Yea! Congratulations, Wendie!

This definitely calls for ice cream! In fact, I had some last night--we'll say it was in your honor. Creamy vanilla custard with Heath bar on top.

Way to go!

Wendie O said...

yummy. I believe in celebrating every chance you get. Especially when I finally figure out where the story is going and get it down..... hmmm we used to say 'getting it down on paper,' but now I guess it's 'getting it into the wordprocessor.' Doesn't have as nice a ring to it, I'm afraid. -wendieO

Jean said...

Congrats! I celebrate with hot fudge myself.
