Bee-bim Bop! by Linda Sue Park. Illustrated by Ho Baek Lee. NY: Clarion Books, 2005. Still available in paperback. Hardback is OP.
I know that you all know that Linda Sue Park is an award-winning author of novels, but how many of you know that she's a poet, too? Nearly everything she writes mentions food. However,this book is all about her favorite dish -- Bee-bim Bop.
"Hurry, Mama, hurry
Gotta chop chop chop!
Hungry -- very hungry
for some BEE-BIM BOP!
Bee-bim is the name of a popular Korean food
and Bop means RICE.
Bee-bim also means "Mix/ mix."
So the whole name of the dish means "lets mix/ mix other foods (chopped cooked meat, sprouts, stir-fried veggies, scrambled egg patties) with rice and EAT!"
"Time for Bee-bim Bop!"
Instructions are in the back for parents and children to create this meal.
Another poetry book by Linda Sue Park is Tap Dancing on the Roof: Sijo (Poems), also published by Clarion.
More Nonfiction Monday messages can be found at the blog, Wrapped in Foil.
I love Linda Sue Park's books, but I didn't know she did poetry. It would be fun to read this for National Poetry Month and then make the dish as a tie-in activity.
Yes, Linda Sue is proud of her poetry -- and it's fun, too.
Bee-bim Bop is also a great book for storytime.
-wendie old
I like the bouncy rythm of Bee-bim Bop!
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