Thursday, June 13, 2013

Author Advocates using Skype to visit classrooms

If you have ever wondered what it would be like to make a Skype visit to a school, take a look at this guest post from the internationally known Australian children's book author and writing instructor, Margot Finke.

Terrific SKYPE Virtual Visit

I would like to report that my SKYPE session for grade one today (three classes
 together), went super well. The kids asked lots of questions about writing, books, where ideas for writing come from, Australia, and my favorite book as 
a kid.

I got to read 2 of my books ( Horatio Humble Beats the Big D -
dyslexia + Ruthie and the Hippo's Fat Behind) and I asked them questions as 

They like paper books better, covers are what grabs their interest, and they
 look for authors they like as well. It was supposed to be 1/2 an hour, but 
it went for a full hour. I learned from these smart kids and I hope they
learned from me. 
There was spontaneous clapping after I read each book, so I 
guess they liked what they heard, and I am invited back there after summer
 vacation to read my soon to be published PB, “Kangaroo Clues.” 

This Skype session really hyped me UP!!

Skype allows me to visit classrooms that have never had an author visit.  No travel, no expensive hotels, and all from the comfort of my own writing den.  All I need are teachers or librarians with a Skype connection. This allows me to bring my books and my class program to schools anywhere in the world, and introduce kids to the fun and adventure of reading and writing.  

This is the FUTURE of book promotion. . .  run with it, mates!

This is a link to me chatting about “Skype Makes it Happen!”

Margot Finke
Books for Kids – Manuscript Critiques

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