My grandmother told me:
Always wear good, clean, good underwear when you go downtown. Because - what if you were hit by a streetcar and they had to take you to the hospital, and saw you in ratty underwear.
As you may have guessed, my grandmother was born around the turn of the 20th century (1900s). She had a lot of 'lady-like' suggestions for me, her oldest girl grandchild. (I don't think she ever saw me wearing my mini skirt dresses, though
She might have been shocked. On the other hand, she did try to keep up with what the fashionable young were wearing and doing, although she'd never wear or do it herself.)

Eventually she used a cane for walking and I now use that very same cane. It's over 100 years old. But if you think it's a valuable antique, it's not. That very same cane shape is still available.
Oh - She also was a suffragette, and I still have her suffragette sash.