Friday, May 23, 2008


Some weeks I post a lot of messages and some weeks I'm busy, busy and have to make the effort to get two done.

This week was one of those busy, busy ones. (Besides the fact that I caught the 8 year old's cold.) I worked two split days -- mornings and evenings. Visited a school to talk about books and the Summer Reading Program at the library. The kids there did ask me about my own books, but I was good and kept focused on library stuff. (mentioned they could look me up in their OPAC to see what books of mine their own library had.) Plus worked on nitty gritty library stuff like material assessments.

But today, Friday, I have the day off.
Which means I work the Saturday of what to the rest of you is a three-day weekend.
But it also means that I have a 2 day weekend AND a day off on Friday. Yea!

And the pool opens on Saturday! Brrrrrrrrr.
It won't be anywhere near 80 degrees until Monday and even then the pool water will be freezing. Which probably won't bother the kids, but you won't see me in that pool until the sun warms it in July.

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