Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

What a Mother's Day!

The 8-year old had made a beautiful bracelet that matched a necklace I owned already.
(This year's bracelet fits. I love it. Last year's bracelet was so large it falls off my hand.)

The 30 year old actually sent a Mother's Day card. (It's a record -- it's her first.)
The 35-year old had a safe trip home from France and remembered to send me a Happy Mother's Day e-mail while she was held over in Dover, having missed her connection to the San Diego Flight. (That'll happen when you make your reservations and the various flights forget about daylight savings time.)

The reason the 35-year old had to e-mail me?
Because the 8-year old was having her piano recital during the time she had her plane layover and she knew that I'd have my phone turned off.

The piano recital was lovely. What a relief that the 8-year old played her piano pieces straight -- without the additional frills she wanted to do. We've promised her that she can noodle around on the piano all she wants, now that the recital is over.

We won't talk about the pouring rain and the flood watch.
Nor the flow of fire engines (even one from Pennsylvania) that screamed their way past the recital hall, on their way to evacuate a smoke-filled nine-story building full of elderly people who had to be helped down the stairs and taken elsewhere overnight.

How was your Mother's Day?

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