Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Spider at the Library

Talk about Eeeeek! Yuck!

There I was last night (on Tuesday, September 30th), sitting there at the Children's Information Desk in the library, when I felt something hard hit my neck. I swiped at it and one of those hard black spiders landed on my arm. I screamed and swiped at it again and it disappeared. Three kids and I searched for it on the ground, but couldn't find it.

A half hour later, I saw movement on my desk near where I was working and EEEEK, there it was. I took one of the books I was considering for weeding (I was thinning out the ratty books from my Magic Tree House series at the time), and SMASH/ Crash, I got him. The circulation department people were surprised by all the smashing and crashing, but when I explained that it was a spider....

Did I tell you how much I hate Spider month?

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