Baby Animals of the Grasslands by Carmen Bredeson, Berkeley Heights, NJ: Enslow Publishers, Inc., 2009. Part of the Nature's Baby Animals series. (which supports the national Science Education Standards for K-4 science)
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Hmmmm. Interesting that it says "for K-4 science." Actually, I would suggest that it was aimed at Kindergarten and First graders because each doublepage spread contains a beautiful photograph or two of the animal, plus 4 or 5 sentences about it. Then on to the next animal. Those few sentences do a good job summarizing each animal. The photographs not only show the baby animal, but also places it within its family group.
Extremely useful for a K or 1st grade classroom collection -- if your budget allows. If not, then plan to borrow the library's copies for a few weeks. Your public librarian can track down extra copies from other branches for you.
There are others in this series -- all by Carmen Bredeson:
Baby Animals of the Desert
Baby Animals of the Frozen Tundra
Baby Animals of the Ocean
Baby Animals of the Tropical Rain Forest
Baby Animals of the Woodland Forest
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