Monday, September 19, 2011

Nonfiction Monday -- My Plate and You

I haven't had any boxes of books from publishers in so long, but today what should appear on my back porch -- but books from Capstone Press!  An abundance of riches!  Which should I read first?  The pattern book from the math series? Volcano Explorers from their Landform Adventures series? Or the new nutrition book.

That's the one. (I can't turn down things about food.)
Take a look at My Plate and You by Gillia M. Olson, part of the Health and Your Body series. (illustrated by photographs)  Available now.

Unless are living under a rock, OR you don't have children, you probably have heard that the food pyramid  ( a representation of what you should eat and how much) has been replaced by MY PLATE.  What the heck is MY PLATE?  Well, right there on the first double page spread is a child on a computer looking at the website  If kids and adults go to that website, all will become clear.

The plate is divided into separate portions of fruits, grains, vegetables, and protein, with a separate circle indicating dairy right where you would place your glass or cup.  No sign of fats on this plate. Vegetables and grains are about the same size and both are larger than fruits or protein. (they don't call it meat, anymore)

With two or three easy reading sentences on each page, on separate double-page spreads, the book then looks further into each portion, talking about why a person should eat this stuff.

Ah, then the book has a spread about fats and sugars -- showing no fat, but a boy drinking a sugared drink sorta like Kool-Aid, or Bug Juice as we called it at summer camp. Shouldn't they exercise?  Didn't the previous food pyramid have exercize as part of a daily routine?  Yes, and this book folds that into the discussion, too.

Fun Facts!  Do you know that popcorn is considered a grain?  (well, we do but I bet lots of kids don't.) The average person drinks about 23 gallons of milk each year.  (not me. I can't drink milk.)

Glossary, Read More (three books listed, one of them from Capstone), Internet sites directed by the ever present Capstone Fact Hound, plus an index.

More Nonfiction Monday posts can be found at Tales from the Rushmore Kid.  Have fun looking at these blog links and please leave comments.  Sometimes comments are the only way a blogger knows that anyone is reading their blog.   -wo

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