Friday, September 9, 2011

Packet 2 -- Sent

Busy, busy, busy the last few weeks writing and revising things for Packet 2.
I just sent it to my advisor.
I plan to take the weekend off.  Relax. ...
Who am I kidding?

 I have 2 meetings tomorrow and now have time to raise my head from my computer long enough to do a little housecleaning, family activities, and shopping.  Oh yes, shopping. Fall doth approach and the 11-year-old won't stop growing. She probably needs all new fall and winter clothing, because her shape has also gotten more "shapely" if you know what I mean.

1 comment:

laurasalas said...

Yay on sending Packet 2! It's so nice to have something off your desk, right?

Good luck shopping!