Marilyn Singer?
The award-winning poet, organizer of the annual Poetry Blast at the American Library Association summer conferences, and all-round nice person -- Marilyn Singer -- wrote a basic "going to the Doctor" book?
And that illustrator -- David Milgrim?
Didn't he write and illustrate all those wonderful easy-reading books about Otto the Robot?
What a combination!
Wouldn't you know it -- Marilyn couldn't resist writing this nonfiction book as a poem. "I"m at the doctor's office, waiting for a checkup. It's time to get examined from the neck down to the neck up...." (and so on.)
This is definately a book for parents and children to read together. The poetry part on the page for the child to read and enjoy. The more involved paragraphs (in a different typeface and bold print either on the same or the facing page) for the adult to read to the child. Between the two, the book gives the child eader/ listener a good overview of what to expect at a "Well Baby" examination.
A long explaination on the last page of the book explains things even more.
Evidently, what our family calls a "Well Baby" examination is also called a Physical Examination or Getting a Checkup to make sure the child is healthy and developing normally. I love the fact that this book encourages the child and parent to ask questions if they are confused or curious.
This book should be in the waiting room of every Doctor's office, and in would be useful in public libraries, especially in the PTC or Parent/ Teacher Collection. I don't think it's vital for a school library, but could be supplementary -- especiallly for those schools who are near a public health center.
(Please don't ask me what all those dogs and that bird are doing on every page. I'm pretty sure you won't find them in most doctor's offices.)
One thing of note -- the illustrations show a multicural variety of children and parents at the doctor's. Another good example of all kinds of people doing ordinary things. And did they cop out by only having white people on the cover? They DID NOT!
Good for you David -- and Clarion.
This is the Publisher's description:
It's natural to feel a little nervous about going to the doctor. But this book's concrete and kid-friendly approach will put everyone's fears to rest. Join three children and their parents as they visit their pediatricians for a typical checkup, and learn all about the different tools doctors and nurses use. Upbeat illustrations featuring a diverse cast of characters are paired with a breezy rhymed text that reassures young readers--and their grownups--by guiding them through a physical examination step by step. Includes an author's note.
More Nonfiction Monday posts can be found at Practically Paradise today.
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