Sunday, June 8, 2008

Reading and writing blogs

Are you a weekday or a weekend blog reader and/ or blog writer?

A friend took a poll of bloggers and discovered that they usually blog during the week because they're busy with family during the weekend. (or away from their computer for some other reason.)

As for me -- I'm busy during the week (working as a full-time librarian going crazy setting up the Summer Reading Program.)
I come home too pooped to ponder on a blog. Therefore, I often blog during the weekend when I have more energy.

What's your blogging reading or writing habit?


Jen Robinson said...

I blog more on the weekends, because that's when I can squeeze in more time. I'll sometimes do a batch of reviews on the weekend, and publish them spread out over the week.

Wendie O said...

That's a good idea. I'm always in a panic on Mondays knowing that the Nonfiction Monday review is due.

I just finished taking books to the local elementary schools to talk about when I told them about our Summer Reading Program. I bet I could write some of those booktalks up and then they'll be ready while life goes crazy this summer.

Thanks. -wendieO