What's in a ... HOLE? by Tracy Nelson Maurer. Rourke Publishing, 2011. (available now)
Simple, simple sentences accompany closeups of types of holes -- and the things that live there.
one sentence per photograph.
Love the view on page 4 looking up at the sky through a hole in the ground! "Can you guess what's in a hole?"
From then on, the right hand photo shows the hole and asks who might live there. Turn the page to see. (credit is given to many different photographers for the pictures used in this book. Which means a big share of the credit for the success of this books should go to the photo researcher who found them.)
Another good addition to your easy reading nonfiction collection, suitable for K and 1st grader readers. Of course, preschoolers will enjoy it, too.
Other books in this series include:
What's in a...
Other Nonfiction Monday messages can be found at Charlotte's Library Blog.
Keep checking it all day because many links will be added as the day progresses.
Looks like fun. Kids always like "guessing books" and they make a great nonfiction addition to storytime.
You have found a fun book to share. I can think of a lot of ideas where I could use it.
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